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Taghum Hall Rental Rates:


Daytime: (8am - 4pm) $ 200
Full Day: (8am - 12 midnight) $ 400
Weekend: (Fri 5pm - Sun noon) $ 750

Extended Weekend: (Fri 5pm - Sun 3pm) $1,000 (incl. kitchen use)

Private Outdoor Space (with FULL Hall Rental)    $100/day 
Private Outdoor Space; Concession: $ 150/day   -    (with FULL Hall rental) *Concession Includes 2 Bar Fridges & 1 BBQ.  If using BBQ - Renter must bring propane.
Hourly rental: $ 30/hour
Ongoing hourly rental: $ 25/hour
Optional: Kitchen use for full meal prep $ 50/day
Optional: Special Event Accessories $ 100

Optional: Janitorial $ 100

Dishwashing/Full Kitchen Clean-up (optional): $100


To discuss prices, and to check Hall availability, please email (If
you would like a call back, please leave your phone number when you email.) Taghum
Hall supports the community by offering artistic, cultural, educational, and life enhancing
opportunities through classes, workshops, and events.

Taghum Hall is run by community-minded people just like you. We love having the
community use our Hall. We will do our best to make your rental experience great, and in
return we ask that you be respectful of our Hall and leave the space as you found it.


You can fill out the Rental Application by contacting our Rental Manager for assistance.



Taghum Hall:
Building community, one event at a time

At Taghum Hall, we offer all kinds of inclusive programming aimed at bringing people together.  We also rent the Hall to private users, and that helps us keep the lights on and the doors open.  Please note that Taghum Hall rentals are independent functions and are not Taghum Hall-sponsored events.


The Taghum Community Society board acknowledges our gratitude to the ancestors and keepers of this land on whose traditional territories we are honoured to operate. 


Monday - Thursday

10am - 2pm

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